
269 lines
9.5 KiB
Executable file

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# DDNS update script for Hetzner's DNS API
# by Philip 'ShokiNN' Henning <mail@philip-henning.com>
# Version 1.0
# last update: 10.11.2023
# License: MIT
# Compatibility: RouterOS 7
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- Define variables -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enter all required variables and secrets here. -- All secrets are stored unencrypted!
## API Key to authenticate to Hetzners API
### Data Type: String
:local apiKey ""; # Example: "3su1OLc0gUhUdwxn1bmKFss5V19mBhBx"; -- This one is invalid, you don't need to try ;)
## --- Domain config --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Interface
# The interface name where the IP should be fetched from
# Data Type: String
# Example: "pppoe-out1";
# Pool
# The prefix delegation pool which is used to automatically setup the IPv6 interface IP
# Use "" when you don't use a pool to set your interface ip or for a type A record
# Data Type: String
# Example: "pool-ipv6";
# Zone
# Zone which should be used to set a record to
# Data Type: String
# Example: "domain.com";
# Record type
# The type of record which will be set
# Data Type: String
# Valid values: "A", "AAAA"
# Example: "A";
# Record name
# Record name to be used to set a DNS entry
# Data Type: String
# Example: "@"; -- use @ to setup an entry at the root of your domain, e.g. "domain.com"
# Record TTL
# TTL value of the record in seconds, for a dynamic entry a short lifetime like 300 is recommended
# Data Type: String
# Example: "300";
# Array structure
# {
# "pppoe-out1"; # Interface
# ""; # Pool
# "domain.com"; # Zone
# "A"; # Record type
# "@"; # Record name
# 300; # Record TTL
# };
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:local domainEntryConfig {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:local logPrefix "[Hetzner DDNS]";
:local apiUrl "https://dns.hetzner.com/api/v1";
:local getLocalIpv4 do={
:local ip [/ip address get [:pick [find interface="$configInterface"] 0] address];
:return [:pick $ip 0 [:find $ip /]];
:local getLocalIpv6 do={
:local ip [/ipv6 address get [:pick [find interface="$configInterface" from-pool="$configInterfacePool" !link-local] 0] address];
:return [:pick $ip 0 [:find $ip /]];
:local getRemoteIpv4 do={
:do {
:local ip [:resolve "$configDomain"];
:return "$ip";
} on-error={
return "";
:local getRemoveIpv6 do={
:local result [:toarray ""]
:local maxwait 5
:local cnt 0
:local listname "tmp-resolve$cnt"
/ipv6 firewall address-list {
:do {
:while ([:len [find list=$listname]] > 0) do={
:set cnt ($cnt + 1);
:set listname "tmp-resolve$cnt";
:set cnt 0;
add list=$listname address=$1;
:while ([find list=$listname && dynamic] = "" && $cnt < $maxwait) do={
:delay 1;:set cnt ($cnt +1)
:foreach i in=[find list=$listname && dynamic] do={
:local rawip [get $i address];
:set result ($result, [:pick $rawip 0 [:find $rawip "/"]]);
remove [find list=$listname && !dynamic];
:return $result;
:local apiGetZones do={
[/system script run "JParseFunctions"; global JSONLoad; global JSONLoads; global JSONUnload];
:local apiPage -0;
:local apiNextPage 1;
:local apiLastPage 0;
:local apiResponse "";
:local returnArr [:toarray ""];
:do {
:set apiResponse ([/tool/fetch "$apiUrl/zones?page=$apiNextPage&search_name=$configZone" http-method=get http-header-field="Auth-API-Token:$apiKey" output=user as-value]->"data");
:set apiPage ([$JSONLoads $apiResponse]->"meta"->"pagination"->"page");
:set apiNextPage ([$JSONLoads $apiResponse]->"meta"->"pagination"->"next_page");
:set apiLastPage ([$JSONLoads $apiResponse]->"meta"->"pagination"->"last_page");
:set returnArr ($returnArr , ([:toarray ([$JSONLoads $apiResponse]->"zones")]));
} while=($apiPage != $apiLastPage);
:return $returnArr;
:local apiGetZoneId do={
:foreach responseZone in=$responseZones do={
:if (($responseZone->"name") = $configZone) do={
:return ($responseZone->"id");
:local apiSetRecord do={
#apiUrl=$apiUrl apiKey=$apiKey zoneId=$zoneId configType=$configType configRecord=$configRecord configTtl=$configTtl interfaceIp=$interfaceIp
[/system script run "JParseFunctions"; global JSONLoad; global JSONLoads; global JSONUnload];
:local recordId "";
:local apiResponse "";
:local payload "{\"zone_id\": \"$zoneId\",\"type\": \"$configType\",\"name\": \"$configRecord\",\"value\": \"$interfaceIp\",\"ttl\": $([:tonum $configTtl])}";
:local records ([$JSONLoads ([/tool/fetch "$apiUrl/records?zone_id=$zoneId" http-method=get http-header-field="Auth-API-Token:$apiKey" output=user as-value]->"data")]->"records");
:foreach record in=$records do={
:if ((($record->"name") = $configRecord) && (($record->"type") = $configType)) do={
:set recordId ($record->"id");
:if ($recordId != "") do={
:set apiResponse ([/tool/fetch "$apiUrl/records/$recordId" http-method=put http-header-field="Content-Type:application/json,Auth-API-Token:$apiKey" http-data=$payload output=user as-value]->"status");
} else={
:set apiResponse ([/tool/fetch "$apiUrl/records" http-method=post http-header-field="Content-Type:application/json,Auth-API-Token:$apiKey" http-data=$payload output=user as-value]->"status");
return $apiResponse;
# Log "run of script"
:log info "$logPrefix running";
:local index 0;
:foreach i in=$domainEntryConfig do={
:local configInterface ("$($i->0)");
:local configIpv6Pool ("$($i->1)");
:local configZone ("$($i->2)");
:local configType ("$($i->3)");
:local configRecord ("$($i->4)");
:local configTtl ("$($i->5)");
:local configDomain "";
:local interfaceIp "";
:local dnsIp "";
:local startLogMsg "$logPrefix Start configuring domain:";
:local endLogMsg "$logPrefix Finished configuring domain:";
:if ($configRecord = "@") do={
:set configDomain ("$($i->2)");
} else={
:set configDomain ("$($i->4).$($i->2)");
:if ($configType = "A") do={
:log info "$startLogMsg $configDomain - Type A record";
:set interfaceIp [$getLocalIpv4 configInterface=$configInterface];
:set dnsIp [$getRemoteIpv4 configDomain=$configDomain];
:if ($interfaceIp != $dnsIp) do={
:log info "$logPrefix $configDomain: local IP ($interfaceIp) differs from DNS IP ($dnsIp) - Updating entry";
:local responseZones [$apiGetZones apiUrl=$apiUrl apiKey=$apiKey configZone=$configZone];
:local zoneId [$apiGetZoneId responseZones=$responseZones configZone=$configZone];
:local responseSetRecord [$apiSetRecord apiUrl=$apiUrl apiKey=$apiKey zoneId=$zoneId configType=$configType configRecord=$configRecord configTtl=$configTtl interfaceIp=$interfaceIp];
:if ($responseSetRecord = "finished") do={
:log info "$logPrefix $configDomain: update successful"
} else={
:log info "$logPrefix $configDomain: local IP and DNS IP are equal - Nothing to do";
:log info "$endLogMsg $configDomain - Type A record";
:if ($configType = "AAAA") do={
:log info "$startLogMsg $configDomain - Type AAAA record";
:set interfaceIp [$getLocalIpv6 configInterface=$configInterface configInterfacePool=$configIpv6Pool];
:set dnsIp [$getRemoveIpv6 $configDomain];
:if ($interfaceIp != $dnsIp) do={
:log info "$logPrefix $configDomain: local IP ($interfaceIp) differs from DNS IP ($dnsIp) - Updating entry";
:local responseZones [$apiGetZones apiUrl=$apiUrl apiKey=$apiKey configZone=$configZone];
:local zoneId [$apiGetZoneId responseZones=$responseZones configZone=$configZone];
:local responseSetRecord [$apiSetRecord apiUrl=$apiUrl apiKey=$apiKey zoneId=$zoneId configType=$configType configRecord=$configRecord configTtl=$configTtl interfaceIp=$interfaceIp];
:if ($responseSetRecord = "finished") do={
:log info "$logPrefix $configDomain: update successful"
} else={
:log info "$logPrefix $configDomain: local IP and DNS IP are equal - Nothing to do";
:log info "$endLogMsg $configDomain - Type AAAA record";
:if (($configType != "A") && ($configType != "AAAA")) do={
:log error ("$logPrefix Wrong record type for array index number " . $index . " (Value: $configType)");
:set index ($index+1);
:set index;
:log info "$logPrefix finished";