diff --git a/config.yaml b/config.yaml index 400ef0f..17a9435 100644 --- a/config.yaml +++ b/config.yaml @@ -188,6 +188,22 @@ profiles: - f_c3check - f_zprofile - f_start_systemd_shell.sh + ymir: + dotfiles: + - f_zshrc + - f_zshenv + - f_zprofile + - d_fonts + - f_profile + - f_vimrc + - f_powerlevel10krc + - d_colors + - f_c3cp + - f_mount_c3voc + - f_c3l + - f_c3kdenlive + - f_c3mpv + - f_c3check workspace: dotfiles: - d_fonts diff --git a/dotfiles/z_profile b/dotfiles/z_profile index 6406345..bd995cf 100644 --- a/dotfiles/z_profile +++ b/dotfiles/z_profile @@ -19,19 +19,21 @@ export EDITOR {%@@ if profile == 'VWAGWOY00349' @@%} [[ $(command -v /opt/homebrew/bin/brew) ]] && eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)" {%@@ endif @@%} -[[ $(command -v pyenv) ]] && eval "$(pyenv init --path)" +[[ $(command -v pyenv) ]] && eval "$(pyenv init -)" {%@@ if profile == 'AINCRAD-wsl' or profile == 'AINCRAD' or profile == 'YOETUNHEIMR-wsl' or profile == 'yoetunheimr' @@%} # Set DOTNET_ROOT enviroment variable DOTNET_ROOT=/opt/dotnet export DOTNET_ROOT +{%@@ endif @@%} +{%@@ if profile == 'AINCRAD-wsl' or profile == 'AINCRAD' or profile == 'YOETUNHEIMR-wsl' or profile == 'yoetunheimr' or profile == 'ymir' @@%} # Set XDG_CONFIG_HOME XDG_CONFIG_HOME="{{@@ env['HOME'] @@}}/.config" export XDG_CONFIG_HOME -{%@@ endif @@%} -{%@@ if profile == 'AINCRAD-wsl' or profile == 'AINCRAD' or profile == 'YOETUNHEIMR-wsl' or profile == 'yoetunheimr' @@%} +{%@@ endif @@%} +{%@@ if profile == 'AINCRAD-wsl' or profile == 'AINCRAD' or profile == 'YOETUNHEIMR-wsl' or profile == 'yoetunheimr' or profile == 'ymir' @@%} # Run VPN-Kit alpine VM to route traffic through Windows and if connected through VPNs wsl.exe -d wsl-vpnkit service wsl-vpnkit start {%@@ endif @@%} diff --git a/dotfiles/zshenv b/dotfiles/zshenv index b7ef2e2..ce5e5cd 100644 --- a/dotfiles/zshenv +++ b/dotfiles/zshenv @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export ANSIBLE_NOCOWS=1 [[ -d "{{@@ env['HOME'] @@}}/.local/bin" ]] && export PATH="{{@@ env['HOME'] @@}}/.local/bin:${PATH}" -{%@@ if profile == 'AINCRAD-wsl' or profile == 'AINCRAD' or profile == 'YOETUNHEIMR-wsl' or profile == 'yoetunheimr' @@%} +{%@@ if profile == 'AINCRAD-wsl' or profile == 'AINCRAD' or profile == 'YOETUNHEIMR-wsl' or profile == 'yoetunheimr' or profile == 'ymir' @@%} # Connect to windows ssh pageant # https://github.com/BlackReloaded/wsl2-ssh-pageant export SSH_AUTH_SOCK={{@@ env['HOME'] @@}}/.ssh/agent.sock diff --git a/dotfiles/zshrc b/dotfiles/zshrc index b686e91..91c498d 100644 --- a/dotfiles/zshrc +++ b/dotfiles/zshrc @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS="true" # Example format: plugins=(rails git textmate ruby lighthouse) # Add wisely, as too many plugins slow down shell startup. plugins=( -{%@@ if profile == 'yoetunheimr' or profile == 'AINCRAD-wsl' or profile == 'AINCRAD' or profile == 'YOETUNHEIMR-wsl' @@%} archlinux +{%@@ if profile == 'yoetunheimr' or profile == 'AINCRAD-wsl' or profile == 'AINCRAD' or profile == 'YOETUNHEIMR-wsl' or profile == 'ymir' @@%} archlinux {%@@ endif @@%} aws colored-man-pages cp @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ source ${ZSH}/oh-my-zsh.sh # alias ohmyzsh="mate ~/.oh-my-zsh" [[ -f {{@@ env['HOME'] @@}}/.files/dotdrop.sh ]] && alias dotdrop='eval $(grep -v "^#" {{@@ env['HOME'] @@}}/.files/.env.public) {{@@ env['HOME'] @@}}/.files/dotdrop.sh' [[ $(command -v thefuck) ]] && eval $(thefuck --alias) -#{%@@ if profile == 'AINCRAD-wsl' or profile == 'YOETUNHEIMR-wsl' @@%} +#{%@@ if profile == 'AINCRAD-wsl' or profile == 'YOETUNHEIMR-wsl' or profile == 'ymir' @@%} # Use https://github.com/jgaa/shinysocks as simple socks5 proxy for windows #[[ $(command -v kubectl) ]] && alias proxy_kubectl="http_proxy=socks5://$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2; exit;}'):1080 https_proxy=socks5://$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2; exit;}'):1080 kubectl" #[[ $(command -v kubectl) ]] && alias pk='proxy_kubectl'